
Assessment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD

Assessment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD

Diagnosing ADHD (and any coexisting difficulties) is complicated and like putting together the pieces of a puzzle. An accurate diagnosis requires a comprehensive assessment as many other conditions can mimic those of ADHD such as anxiety, depression, sleeping problems, learning disabilities etc. Parents and teachers usually help with the gathering of background for those under 18 years of age via interview and completion of questionnaires. In adults, information from an external source, such as a parent or sibling will usually be used to assess the individual’s history and the effects of symptoms at different stages of the person’s life. School reports (if available) can also be reviewed.

In addition to the clinical interview and completion of questionnaires, an assessment of intellectual functioning, executive functioning and specific tests of attention (visual and auditory) are performed. ADHD affects everyone differently. As people with ADHD often have coexisting difficulties or disorders, assessments are flexible and adapted to the needs of the individual.

Diagnosing ADHD also requires a medical assessment (including hearing and vision tests) to rule out other disorders with symptoms like ADHD.

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